About – Armash Kamal


How I Went from Broke Engineer to Making One Million Rupees Per Month Writing Copy

Loved and Followed by Thousands of Aspiring Pakistani Copywriters…

Here is My Complete Journey…

It all started back in 2018 .. when I lost my job and stumbled across Dan’s YT video where he was talking about 5 high-income skills to get true financial freedom. And guess what? One of those skills was copywriting.

Like many, I thought it’s copyrighting with an R, at first. Only to find out with a mere Google search that it’s writing with a W.

After digging a bit deeper, I discovered that it’s a special type of writing – unlike anything I’d ever written or heard of.

Combining the concepts of psychology, persuasion, marketing, sales and action-driving words, it was mind-numbingly high-paying.

That’s when I took my first premium training along with studying the copy and works of industry legends such as Eugene Schwartz, Frank Kern, David Ogilvy, Gary Halbert, and Stefan Georgi, to name a few.

Ever since I have worked on 2000+ projects on Fiverr alone. And the number is growing every day.

In my 3 years of copy career, I have worked with 50% of the World (see my World domination above)

And comfortably pulled off $5000+ months like clockwork.

From Making Money to Making an Impact…

After becoming the most highly rated and highest-paid copywriter myself, I didn’t just want to stop there.

Training and working with a few other Pakistani writers along the way, I realized how there is tremendous potential in my fellow countrymen.

That’s when I set out on a mission to bring awareness and education to other Pakistani writers (and non-writers) about copywriting…
And how they can leverage this high-income skill to get true financial and geographical freedom – just like me.

Simply put, I wanted to make an impact.

YouTube Channel, Facebook Group, and Copy Programs..

From my YouTube channel to my Private Facebook Group, I built a community of aspiring Pakistani content writers and copywriters, one soul at a time.

And in May 2021, I launched my first ever comprehensive copywriting training program – Armash Kamal’s 7-Figure Copywriting Program (AKC Program).

This 2-month training program has already empowered dozens and dozens of my students to start making 6-figures per month writing copy from the comfort of their homes.

And you could be the next!

What’s the Next Step for You?

While my 2-month long AKC Program is only launched once every quarter, you can still take advantage of my comprehensive AKC Workshop to kickstart your copy journey today.

Now is your time to click the “Get AKC Workshop” button below to take a step towards becoming your own boss!

Copywriting Resources Tailored to Help YOU Succeed.

From live sessions in my Facebook group to the hottest, super-valuable YouTube videos, copywriting workshop, AKC program, and more, I promise to help you become a highly-paid copywriter in few short months.

Monday – Friday: 7:00 – 17:00
Saturday: 7:00 – 12:00

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